** Warning - content INCLUDES reference to sexual assault and sexual abuse**
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community creative research projects
In 2021 Continuous Voices worked with a number of artists in Ballarat and our community of survivors, friends, family and supporters to create the inspiration for a memorial to acknowledge survivors of sexual violence in Ballarat. These activities are facilitated by artists who have participated in trauma-informed arts practice training and were supported by our partner organisations.
The projects were open to survivors, their loved ones and some were also open for advocates and and supporters to participate in. The outcomes of the creative workshops will be actively used to guide the design of the public space and memorial. The community research projects were an experience in deep listening, and permitted groups of people to come together to support, share and guide.
The creative outcomes include music and song, spoken word, video, drawing and more. Written responses were also collected to the question “What is a memorial”. Shortlisted designers will hear from the community and the artists on the outcomes of the creative research. They will use this as a starting point for their memorial design.
What is Continuous Voices?
Continuous Voices is a project that connects trauma and creativity to stand for change and resistance against sexual assault and sexual abuse. The project acknowledges the courage of those who have stood for change and provides hope for these continuous voices to be heard. The project will work towards creating a public space in Ballarat to reflect. The shape of this space and memorial will be determined through creative collaborations with community.
finding light
Finding Light was a photography course that culminated in production of a printed book and e-book with photographs created by project participants with lead artists Michelle Dunn. Participants considered how the way we understand light can change the way we see the world around us.
words out
WORDS OUT was a series of writing workshops led by artists Paige Duggan, Geoff Hassall and George Williams. Over the sessions participants reflected, shared, listened and celebrated culminating in a spoken word music video.
what is a memorial?
What is a memorial? We asked visitors to the exhibition 'Out of the Darkness: A Survivors Journey' at the Art Gallery of Ballarat to share their thoughts about how to acknowledge survivors of sexual assault in Ballarat.
thinking about memorials
Participant Artists created artworks based on their reflections on memorials, monuments and metaphors working with lead artist Eliza-Jane Gilchrist. The exhibition was held from 10-30 April 2021 @ Art Space, 14 Lydiard Street, Ballarat.
drawing connections
Artists Rebecca Russell, Dotahn Caspi, Steph O’Hara and somatic experiencing practitioner Silvana Izzo worked with survivors of childhood sexual assault and their family to explore the possible connections and commonalities between survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Drawing Connections is a participatory and exploratory art project, conceived by Rebecca Russell, an artist with a lived experience of childhood sexual abuse.
Voices like yours
Voices Like Yours is a collaborative arts project that hes united local, national and international participants to express resistance for survivors of sexual abuse and their loved ones. Artists, Kaff-eine, Glenn Pearce and Robert House asked the question “what does your resistance look like?” and then responded to participants ideas through drawing and sculpture.