Confetti Western are a Ballarat success story, emerging through the music development program Be Hear Now
music in ballarat
Music production, writing, composing and performance is a core part of the Ballarat Creative City Strategy, and this is one of the strongest of the creative sub-sectors of the city. The Creative City team tracks and supports both music maker and performance venue. The way we make and create and enjoy music is changing, and the City of Ballarat seeks to support new ventures and protect creative practices which might be at risk.
are you a maker of music?
Do you work in the music industry? Are you a musician who write, creates and performs original music?
Join the Creative City Database to be informed about live music activities, workshops and professional development opportunities, networking and collaborative opportunities, grants and funding opportunities, and information sharing and promotion for local music programs, activities and events. Sign up to hear first about open gigs and opportunities.
do you represent a live music venue, or are you interested in hosting live music?
We want to hear from you. The Creative City team keeps a register of live music venues and performance spaces. We can provide support and advice to venues looking to offer live music. Complete our Register form and we’ll connect with you to share opportunities
Be Hear Now is an annual music development program which finds, fosters and develops artists within the Ballarat region. The program of support has focused on identifying talent, providing mentoring and training, assets and resources such as video production amongst other elements. We choose the ‘talent worth watching’ and we work out what kinds of support they need to thrive. But Be Hear Now is for everyone who loves original music. It’s open to all genres, ages, energies, styles and expertise.
In 2025 we’re looking for Ballarat’s best new music. Applications are now open for Ballarat music makers who are looking to build their teams. We’ll provide up to five groups, acts or bands with industry-matched mentors, the strategic planning of a single release, professional recording, mixing and mastering. We’ll help you out with design and artwork for your collateral. We’ll help you develop a strategy to release your single and funding for marketing and promotion.
Applications are CLOSED FOR 2025
the creative city ballarat playlist
It’s almost time for a B’Rat Summer. And we’ve got the playlist for you! Check out the Ballarat singles released in 2024 (all the ones we know about). Whether you’re after gritty punk or a floating bit of folk, we reckon this list has got something for everyone.
Did we miss someone who released new tunes in 2024? Drop us a line and let us know.