Cassy Macarthur ceramicist UNESCO film series 2021.jpg

Artists, Makers & Creatives

Ballarat’s creative community.


Ceramicist Cassy Macarthur collects “wild clay” for her practice - image Josh Waddell, 2021

meet our community

Read more about some of our amazing network of creatives and artists, scattered throughout our city.


Marian Fox

How did your creative journey begin?
My creative journey began at school, we had a wonderful art program and ceramics studio. i have had periods of time where i have not been creative, but a creative drive now pursues me

How would you describe your creative practice?
I would describe my creative practice as playing with form, shape and colour. Making large scale, ceramic vessels that have bold and graphic surface treatment.

 What are you working on right now?
I am working on a large pot that will hopefully be a planter for a large monstera plant i have at home

What is your collection to Ballarat?
I have lived in Ballarat for almost 20 years, working and raising a family

How would you describe the creative community of Ballarat?
The creative community of Ballarat is flourishing, connected and supportive.

Can you give us three words to sum up your inspiration?
nature, colour, nature

Follow Marian and discover more of her creations on Instagram at @marrianffox

Kathy Horvat