Cassy Macarthur ceramicist UNESCO film series 2021.jpg

Artists, Makers & Creatives

Ballarat’s creative community.


Ceramicist Cassy Macarthur collects “wild clay” for her practice - image Josh Waddell, 2021


meet our community

Read more about some of our amazing network of creatives and artists, scattered throughout our city.


Ben McKenna

How did your creative journey begin?

Like most kids, I used to doodle inside the margins of my school notebooks. I would draw cute characters inspired by those 'yuru-chara' mascots found throughout Japan. Despite their relatively simple designs, they still manage to convey a lot of personality. It was an aspect I wanted to replicate in my own art. Since then, I've completed a bachelor's degree in interactive & visual design and have worked as a multimedia developer. I enjoy working with technology, as it allows me to learn new skills and evolve my art in different directions.

How would you describe your practice?

I call myself a digital designer, which is an intentionally ambiguous term. I enjoy illustration, animation, and even a bit of programming. By combining these skills, I can bring fictional characters to life. It's such an awesome feeling.

What are you working on right now?

I have a few projects I'm juggling at the moment - one of which is a video game consisting of my own unique world and characters. Game development has been such a fun endeavour, since I get to use both the logical and creative sides of my brain. The only downside is that it requires so much time and dedication. I want to show off what I've done... but it's not quite ready yet.

What is your connection to Ballarat?

I relocated from Brisbane to Ballarat to be with my partner. We were dating long distance for about a year, before I finally moved down in March. That being said, there is some familial history here as well - my nan grew up in the care of Nazareth House when it used to be an orphanage.

How would you describe the creative community in Ballarat?

There's such a diverse range of talented individuals around here. Despite their differing backgrounds and mediums, they're all incredibly supportive of one another. It's awesome to see artists from different disciplines attending each others' shows/exhibitions and promoting each others' work.

Can you give us three words to sum up your inspiration?

Cute. Charming. Whimsical. | Instagram: @benmckenna | Behance: Ben McKenna

Kathy Horvat